Club Macabre - Tier 2
Welcome to our new Vincent Price Horror Movie Poster subscription, Club Macabre!
The Tier 2 version of the sub reserves for you a guaranteed matching numbered set of the regular and variant version of each poster.
Here are the full details for the Vincent Price Horror Movie Poster Subscription, Club Macabre, Tier 2!
Subscribers will receive a copy of the regular and variant edition posters for the following movie projects:
The Masque Of The Red Death, New Poster by Artist Francesco Francavilla!
The Raven, New Poster by Artist Gary Pullin!
House Of Usher, New Poster by Artists Stan & Vince!
The Pit and the Pendulum, New Poster by Artist Kevin Tong!
The Abominable Dr. Phibes, New Poster by Artist Matt Ryan Tobin!
The Last Man On Earth by Artist Elvisdead!
The Bat, New Poster by Artist Anthony Petrie!
Tomb Of Ligeia, New Poster by Artist Francesco Francavilla!
Witchfinder General with art by Vance Kelly!
Subscribers have the option to select shipping by project or on demand. If "By Project" is chosen, then there will be a shipping charge with your poster charge, and your posters will ship as each project is released. If "On Demand" is chosen, you will not be auto-charged for shipping, and your posters will be held until you request shipping. At that time you will be billed for shipping, and your posters will ship!
Subscribers will be charged when projects are ready to print, approximately every 2-6 months. If a poster is delayed due to licensing or artist, the subscription charge will be postponed. All subscribers will be notified 2 weeks before a new charge.
Subscribers have the option to select shipping by project or on demand. If "By Project" is chosen, then there will be a shipping charge with your poster charge, and your posters will ship as each project is released. If "On Demand" is chosen, you will not be auto-charged for shipping, and your posters will be held until you request shipping. At that time you will be billed for shipping, and your posters will ship!
Tier 2 Cost is $150 before shipping.
Posters are officially licensed by MGM and the Vincent Price Estate.