"Did you know that I could hear the scratching of her fingernails on the casket lid?" - Vincent Price as Roderick Usher.
We are thrilled to offer our next poster in our Feature Vincent Price Poster series! We are proud to present House Of Usher by Vincent Roucher!
Formerly part of the artist duo Stan & Vince, Vince now works alone and continues to create some of the best poster art today!
Vince's creation perfectly captures the cult classic horror movie based on Edgar Allan Poe's macabre story "The Fall of the House of Usher".

Poster Details:
Regular (Red) - 24x36 screen print, Run of 150, $75
Variant (Green) - 24x36 screen print, Run of 100, $95
Madness of Usher (Gold Foil) - 24x36 screen print on Gold Foil, Run of 25, $150
The Posters go on sale this Thursday, February 16th at 12PM ET HERE!
Officially licensed by MGM and The Vincent Price Estate.