Citizen Kane posters by Martin Ansin!

"There's only one person in the world who's going to decide what I'm going to do and that's me..."

  • Charles Foster Kane

Citizen Kane is one of the all time great movies in the history of cinema. The American Film Institute ranks the movie as the greatest film of all time in it's "100 Greatest Movies List". In 1941, a young Orson Welles was given unprecedented free rein to make the movie he wanted to make, and in response he "made the greatest movie of all time" in the words of Roger Ebert and countless other movie critics and fans.

Mad Duck is excited to bring you new officially licensed Citizen Kane screenprinted posters with art by the  amazing Martin Ansin! There are three different editions available including a wood variant! Full details are listed below.

Regular - 24x36 screenprint, Hand Numbered, Run of 400, $65

Variant - 24x36 screenprint, 2 metallic inks, Hand Numbered, Run of 200, $85

Wood Variant - 24x36 screenprint,metallic ink, Hand Numbered, Run of 15, $250

The prints go on sale this Wednesday, December 13th at 12PM Eastern time!


"The legends of "Citizen Kane" and Orson Welles were, in the next half-century, to become one of the central myths of Hollywood: how a boy genius in his mid-20s was given a completely free rein to make exactly the movie he wanted to make, and how in response he made the greatest movie of all time, only to see both the film and his own career chewed up and spat out by the venal, small-minded Hollywood establishment. Welles became the great outsider hero of cinema, central to the French auteur critics, championed by independent filmmakers, cited by anyone who wants to make an argument for film art over film commerce."

Roger Ebert, 1991


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